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Writer's pictureViTrox Academy

Tech 4 Good 發明挑戰 37隊伍晉級總決賽 / Tech 4 Good Challenge, 37 Teams Advanced to the Finals

(檳城9日訊)昨日在峇都交灣偉特工業園2.0舉行的“Tech 4 Good 發明挑戰”總決賽,共有37支隊伍晉級,勝出隊伍將瓜分總值2萬4000令吉的獎金。

此賽事由偉特教育的代表偉特科技與拉曼大學(優大)資訊與通訊科技學院聯辦,這也是全馬首個由本地科技企業與學術界聯辦的全國發明比賽。 評審團由18名產業界高級工程師、學術界研究教授及教育界第一線從業者組成。 自今年1月開放報名後,主辦單位收到全馬共93隊中學與大學隊伍的報名。 出席者有偉特機構總裁朱振榮、優大資訊與通訊科技學院院長劉紹瑜、檳州科學圈總執行員拿督黃炳意及檳州圓頂科學館首席執行員邱武威等。


(Penang, 9th July) The "Tech 4 Good Invention Challenge" grand finals were held yesterday at VITROX Campus 2.0, with a total of 37 teams advancing. The winning team will share a prize pool worth RM24,000.

This competition was jointly organized by ViTrox Academy, representing ViTrox Technology, and the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). It is Malaysia's first national invention competition co-organized by local technology companies and the academic sector.

The judging panel comprised of 18 senior engineers from the industry, research professors from the academic sector, and practitioners from the education field.

Since the registration opened in January this year, the organizers received a total of 93 entries from secondary schools and universities nationwide.

The event was attended by the CEO of ViTrox Technologies, Mr. Chu Jenn Weng, the Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at UTAR, Prof Ts Dr Liew Soung Yue, the Chief Executive Officer of Penang Science Cluster, Datuk Ooi Peng Ee, and the Chief Executive Officer of Penang Tech Dome, Ts. Mr. William Khoo Boo Wooi, among others.


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